mahesh bhatt has known Rhea since 2017. mahesh bhatt has know rhea when she worked with his brother, mukesh bhatt in movie jalebi. it is inevitable in the bhatt family to know every actor/actress working with any of their family members. A lot of photos involving mahesh and Rhea are getting circulated after sushant singh rajput death.
Many pictures involving them are questionable in nature and raise suspicion on the nature of their relationship. Looking at Bhatt's presonal life, his past relations, types of movies he makes, his media image, one cannot deny the fact that mahesh bhatt is a person of Questionable character.
But there is no confirmation of any relation between them. KRK alleges Bhatt called sushant singh rajput psycho and advised Rhea to stay awayfrom him.
Another source has it that Rhea and sushant broke up just a few weeks before sushant suicide. If the rumors are believed between sushant and Rhea. he made sure Rhea gets out of her relationship with sushant. He(mahesh bhatt) possibly even told Rhea that she should avoid getting into relationship between sushant.
After sushant death Rhea had accepted in a statement to the police that she and sushant were planning to get married. she also revealed that sushant was diagnosed with depression. she said that his mentor had also advised her to leave sushant because of his mental condition. this statement has led to uproar among fans who then questioned her and the veteran director's relationship.
Suhrita das, mother of Rhea chakravarti also confirmed that Rhea used to consult mahesh bhatt every time when she worried about sushant frustated but defends her relationship with mahesh bhatt. she also confirmed that he had asked Rhea to quit the relationship. she also claimed that bhatt drew similarities between parveen babi's mental health condition and that of sushant 's.
Lets know some fact about mahesh bhatt, that how his character was questionable?
In 80s filmfare magzine published one of the most talked about and controversial photo of bollywoood filmmaker mahesh bhatt, where he locked lip with his daughter pooja bhatt. The picture was on the cover of the magzine. It also had one statement published saying that if she had not been his daughter, he would loved to marry her. shocked right? The head line on the Filmfare magzine said, "If pooja wasn't my daughter , I would loved to marry her."
So , all of you understand that what kind of the man mahesh bhatt is. if he liplocked with is daughter then why not with Rhea who is his grand daughter age?
we have expose this type of man in the bollywood whose character is questionable and whose behaviour with women is like a womaniser. otherwise bollywood is not safe for young female talent,
There are still many mahesh bhatt in this bollywood industry which we don't know!