Sushant sing rajpoot a talented actor of Bollywood had suicide on 14th june 2020. after his death the media said that sushant singh rajput was in depression from 6 months, and he was also taking health care from a doctor, taking medicines and due to depression he had taken this type of step. But the question is raising that An actor with big release and good projects lined up, with two back to back super hit films like chichore and kedarnath, suddenly "committed suicide due to depression!" will an only son leave behind hi…
Our prime minister Narendra modi appealed to the people to use local product, mean while they indirectly saying us to boycott Chinese products. we all know about the border tension between china & India in Galwan valley. our 20 soldiers has been martyred and our indian army killed 43 chinese soldiers. thats the power of Indian army. A strong message has been given to the chinese army is that if "you will kill my 1 man then i will kill your 2. " basically ek ka double". why its very important to boycott Chi…
Nepotism is a type of Termite which usually likes to kill talent. Now a days after the suicide of Sushant singh rajput the debates on nepotism has been started and people angried over some directors and producers like karan johar, salman khan, alia bhatt, and many others in Bollywood' who generally used to run their family business (movie mafia); now I am going to tell you how Bollywood nepotism gang kills Talent like SSR. In February , Kamal khan tweeted that Yashraj, Sajidnadiadwala, Salman khan, Balaji, Karanjohar, Bhan…
The killing of Ajay Pandita, a sarpanch from the minority community in Kashmir, has jolted the Kashmiri Pandits who, of late, had started to believe that their dream of returning to their roots was heading towards realisation. The community had been silently working on building bridges with the majority community in Kashmir over the past several years and there were growing voices from the Kashmiri Muslims in support. Pandita's was a true to life story of a kashmiri pandit, who did not wait for any government package o…
Mr Ravish kumar has been trying to defend amulya leona in the prime time show. He criticised Bengaluru court after the bell of her has been denied. Video 👉👉 Ravish Kumar prime time show Every Indian know what amulya leona had done in anti CAA protect. He raised pro Pakistan slogan and mr Ravish kumar trying to defend her, indirectly he supported pro Pakistan slogan. Even owaisi doesn't supported it but ravish Kumar does. This is not first time in the world of indian media that a leftist reporter trying to defen…
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